Eventide Has Sale On Blackhole and MicroPitch

As the universe expands, Eventide delivers! Blackhole and MicroPitch Immersive On Sale thru December 31. We are all in on Immersive, through a multi-year investment in developing immersive tools.

The Eventide sound, in a clean and easy to use interface, will make your first explorations into immersive fun and rewarding. Dolby and DAW companies have rolled out renderers for producers to work in and format; yes, including headphones. Creating an immersive experience does NOT require the expense and bother of multiple speakers. Listeners can experience the width, depth, and height of immersive rendered binaurally to their own headphones and ear buds – an experience that surpasses simple stereo.

Make Eventide Immersive plugins the foundation of your workflow and start creating content for all platforms distributing Immersive creations.

Designed from the ground up for immersive, Dolby Atmos, and surround workflows, Blackhole Immersive expands the signature sound of Eventide’s stereo version across your entire immersive mix. Used as a send or insert, Blackhole Immersive remains respectful yet reactive to your carefully chosen track positioning.

From delicate ambience to massive decays, you create and shape the listener’s immersed experience – what, when, and where they feel it. Warning: taking the controls of this cosmic beast of a reverb is just plain fun. The vast range of the original fit perfectly in your mix, but now it’s everywhere!

Owners of stereo Blackhole or MicroPitch (standalone, H9 Bundle, or Anthology XI/XIII) receive discounted cross grade pricing on Immersive plug-ins.

Binaural examples are mixed in 7.1.2, rendered with Dolby Atmos binaural. Stereo versions are rendered down from 7.1.2, which loses some spatial properties but retains positioning of the full mix otherwise.

The clean and intuitive interface seamlessly fits into your projects – whether it be mixing music, post-production for film, or sound design for games. This enhanced workflow gives you full control over the reverb across channels, for an evolving immersive experience – from subtle to radical.


Powerful and flexible reverberation algorithm – create spaces from subtle ambience all the way up to supernatural decays and drones.

Supports LCR, Quadraphonic, 5.0-5.1.4, and 7.0-7.1.4 challenge layouts

Easy-to-use UI optimized for immersive workflows – same core controls for all channel layouts, with no menu diving required

Transparent signal processing – effect always sounds the same across all immersive formats, and always maintains incoming spatial image integrity

Quickly set individual speaker levels using the integrated Levels section

Kill Dry, Kill Wet, and Freeze controls are great for creating drastic effects

Mix Lock allows for scrolling through presets or settings while keeping the wet/dry mix constant

Resizable GUI with Undo/Redo and A/B comparison

Comprehensive Presets Library includes over 150 presets