Sienna, makers of broadcast automation for News and Sport announced compatibility between their Sienna MOS driven Automation Production Control system and NewTek’s IP Series vision mixer.
Sienna is used by many globally recognized broadcasters including the BBC, Associated Press, and Televisa. Support for NewTek’s ground breaking IP Series brings Sienna’s world-class capabilities to a new audience, at a dramatically reduced price point. Sienna’s extensive TriCaster integration brings full automatic production control within the reach of any news or sports broadcaster.
“IP Series is a revolutionary IP based vision mixer with great support for legacy SDI workflows”, said Mark Gilbert, CTO Gallery SIENNA. “We are proud to announce support in Sienna Automation for IP Series and we look forward to enabling fully automated IP driven workflows for news and sports stations embracing these important changes in the broadcast landscape.”
Automation Production Control
Sienna forms a sophisticated media asset management, edit integration and automation layer between TriCaster and MOS newsroom systems including ENPS, Inception, iNews, Octopus, and OpenMedia. With the NCS, producers can prepare a very complex news bulletin, including packages, vision mixer operations, virtual set camera moves, audio mixing, and on screen graphics.
This rundown is then driven step by step in the Sienna AutomationX live-asset system controlling TriCaster. Works with: TriCaster Mini, TriCaster 8000, TriCaster 860, TriCaster 460, and TriCaster 410.